Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I catch a small, yellow VW that is COMPLETELY covered with advertising! He makes it past me and settles into traffic about three car lengths ahead. Now, being a marketing professional, I HAD to find out what was going on with this car! “Darn it, van, get out of my way! I’ve got important business to attend to!” I was doing everything I could to catch up to the mysterious German automobile…paying less-than-normal attention to safety, or the other cars on the road.
Finally, after about 10 miles, I caught it. Plastered all over the car, windshields and all! Quite a sight to see cruising down the interstate during rush hour traffic. “” Certainly I would look them up when I got home. And…I’m betting…so will YOU, now!
And that’s the point! This company did something that made it stand out from the ordinary. They covered a car and simply drove through traffic. And if it got this jaded marketer’s attention, you’ve got to believe that it REALLY caught the eye of other drivers and passengers. When you’re looking for ways to stand out from the crowd, be inventive. Take some risks. Don’t simply settle for the same, old “tried and true.” People become desensitized to advertising. They are bombarded with it to the point where they don’t even see it anymore. Which means your message—and your money—was just thrown down the drain. Be bold, innovative, unconventional. In the end, you might just become rich because of it.
Nice job, You made me look. Which makes me jealous!

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